Rock & Roll & Rap Videos – Don’t Stop Spreading Them

Do NOT Stop Spreading these Videos!

The Salvation of 3 Generations could depend on it!

1. Go to GoodFight Theater!

Check out the AWESOME exposes and eye-opening clarity of the surprising spiritual motivations of entertainers! You will want to spread the news and the link, and order the dvds… then go to these youtube videos and spread them like a virus! The salvation of your generation depends partly on the LABORERS. We are going to wear satan out with God’s Grace & Truth just like he tries to wear us out with his sin & lies!

Many of these videos have been removed –

so if any of them are not there, just go to youtube and search for those words – or do a search on “sold their souls for rock & roll”

Check here as well:

ICP think they sold their soul to the devil… But Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

MTV and Madonna and Eminem and Method Man and Jimi Hendrix and Garth Brooks and Kid Rock think they sold their soul to the devil… But Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.

The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

Dr. Dre, Eminem and others think they sold their soul to the devil… But Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

Korn and Ozzy Osbourne and Frank Zappa and Limp Bizkit and Red Hot Chili Peppers think they sold their soul to the devil… But Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

Do you realize the satanic plan in secular music and in the United Nations is the same plan that God foiled in Genesis 11. Why are these people doing it again? They will fail again!
Pick your team! Kingdom or Babylon!
Go hard

Carlos Santana, David Koresh, Jim Jones, Hitler, have a lot in common… But Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.
The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

This clip tells the story of Robert Johnson, a Black man who is called ‘THE FATHER OF ROCK & ROLL’ admitted that he sold his soul to satan in the 1950s. The roots of rock in satanism…  But Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.
The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

Robert Johnston blues star and founder of Rock, actually sold his soul to satan. This is the root of the secular music you listen to. That’s why it does what it does to your soul. satanism…  But Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.
The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

Eazy E, Bone Thugs & Harmony, Snoop Dogg, Method Man, Master P, DMX, Three 6 Mafia, and others think they think they sold their soul to the devil… But Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.
The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

Wow… this guys testimony is amazing. He actually was writing music for satan when God delivered him! From Elvis to today… Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.
The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

More mind-blowing footage about Elvis, Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguilera, and other stars that masked themselves as harmless. Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.
The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

Singers like Spice Girls and Brittney Spears teach children to reject God’s laws and their parents laws like “Keep your mouth shut Keep your legs shut” Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.
The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

The Truth about Elvis Presley… he was not a Christian. His bodyguards, the “Memphis Mafia” reveal his demonic forces and deception.

The Truth about Elvis Presley… he was not a Christian. He was deep into occult and actually thought he was a false christ and read from satanist Madame Blavatsky at his concerts! Also notice how SIMILAR Michael Jackson’s life ended the same way Elvis did – with PILLS.

More on Elvis… and Jerry Lewis actually condemns himself to Hell, he thought he sold his soul to satan. I wish he had repented before he died. Same thing with Little Richard. They don’t know how merciful Jesus Christ is!
Most rock & roll artists have been influenced by Aliester Crowley… he taught drugs, sex, and “Imma Do Me.” In order to promote satanism and the Anti-Christ. How Timothy Leary and the Beatles helped spread satanism.

How Aliester Crowley sowed seeds of satanic discipleship (Harry Hayes and Dr. Alfred Kinsey) for the sexual revolution and how promotion of homosexuality and the rape of little boys is related to the Anti-Christ.

HOw the Beatles promoted satanism under the influence of Aliester Crowley… they brought yoga (yoking yourself to a demon) to America.

“Making Movies is casting spells…” how the Rolling Stones and the Beatle helped promote satanism in 1967…. the end of this is DEEP!

Let’s look at the FRUIT of satanism, idolatry, and rebellion against God, from 1967. NOT Freedom- addictions, broken lives, sexual diseases, suicides, abortions, and broken families

How drugs are related to witchcraft. Jimi Hendrix testifies to his servanthood to satan. Whoever is taken captive to this, there is still time. Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die.
The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

Demon worship and Jim Morrison of The Doors – the connection.

satan is a lie. Even thru the greatest entertainers (false prophets) in the world. How the Beach Boys created the culture of southern California and created witchcraft music. Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die. The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

Michael Jackson spread sexual perversion and contacted demon spirits for his music.

Kurt Cobain… 90s grunge satanist, (I think he may have gotten saved before he died… Hallelujah!). Also NIN and U2 are covered in here! Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die. The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

U2 and CREED still has time to repent from their sins and trying to decieve Christians into the New World order. U2 is more blasphemous than Marilyn Manson. CREED signed their record deal in blood. Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die. The Mercy of the Lord endures forever, and His Truth endures to every Generation.

Charles Manson, rock musician and mass murderer, a satanist who worked with the Beatles and Beach Boys and taught his family to kill. Jesus Blood is powerful and can still redeem their soul into life, before they die. The Mercy of the Lord endures forever,

Anton Lavey and the satan worshippers who love Hitler and the soon coming antichrist, and national socialism. This is CRAZY!

How the music is leading to anti-christ. Son of Sam was a satanist murderer as well, but I heard that he got saved in prison thanks to the mercy of the Lord. He sold himself to the devil but Jesus brought him back!!!

Quick Message to Kingdom Promoters

Quick Tips for Kingdom Promoters

I am Truly THANKFUL to God for all of the Kingdom Promoters promoting Jesus thru live events and music!

Most people would think that a bunch of promoters would be jealous and competitive. But in the Kingdom of God it is the opposite!

We rejoice because the gospel of Christ is preached! (Phil 1) We can reach our entire state and nation for Christ if we operate NOT as one organization, but as one Mind and one Spiritual Body.

I encourage you all to:

Keep Faith First

– Use your promotion (message, music, and marketing) to preach the gospel. Do not hide the gospel to increase your promotion. The gospel is the power of God (Rom 1:16). If you use parables, then interpret them so that the meaning is clear, so you can make disciples (Matthew 13). Don’t ever sell out Jesus Christ. Our shield of faith is always up front for protection.

Preach and OutReach

– Hit the streets and promote the gospel of Christ. Always invite nonbelievers that you don’t know. Give away free stuff and do volunteer and outreach ministry.

Go House to House

– Teach your sphere of influence to live the lifestyle of the Kingdom of God. Teach whatever scriptures you learn on a weekly basis. Do bible studies. Throw house parties. Host prayer meetings. People need brotherhood, house-to-house fellowship, and lifestyle discipleship, not just stage-to-stage-to-stage-to-stage ministry. Those days are officially over. Stage-to-stage ministry alone leaves people empty and immature as professional spectators.

Stay 50/50

– Match your ministry-to-others time with your ministry-to-the-Lord time. If you are hosting a 3 hour event, first minister to the Lord in your closet for 3 hours. You can call it “50/50.” This will keep you balanced.

God Bless You to Be Fruitful and Multiply!


Hell is Real / God is Good

Hell is real, Jesus warned us about Hell a LOT. Why do sinners deserve hell?

Sin is INFINITELY wicked, and deserves INFINITE judgement ONLY because God is INFINITELY good, merciful, glorious, and Thorough in His communication. He warns us through our conscience, through nature, and since we all come from Adam/Noah, every culture KNOWINGLY rebelled against God at one time.

Only liars like Jehovah Witnesses, Universalists, Goddess worshippers, and other LIARS deny the Reality and JUSTICE of God’s judgement through Hell. All of God’s judgements are absolutey righteous, true, and kind – because they lead to purification of souls and purification of His Kingdom (Psalms 19, Revelations 19).

If God was not infinitely worthy of love, respect, and obedience… then hell would not be fair. But since He IS, then infinite hell is fair and just punishment. Also, God has provided sacrifice for sins that sinners constantly reject (Jesus). They also reject their conscience that tells them that their idolatry is useless. They also reject nature which teaches them that God is big and infinitely more than their idols and worthless religions.

So the next time someone says that they can’t believe that a loving God would send anyone to hell… tell them that you can’t believe why anyone would refuse to love a loving God – with their sinful pride and arrogance, and send themself to hell in the process. Say it in a loving and patient way, of course.

This blog is just meant to be quick and to the point, giving a quick outline of an answer to the question. There are many falling away due to the supposed “unfairness” of God.

The main point is this: Everyone reaps what they sow.

For more info read Psalms, Revelations, and Luke. Also read “The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners” by Jonathan Edwards and

Agnostic to Believer in 37 Minutes – via facebook & youtube

Agnostic to Believer in 37 Minutes – via facebook & youtube

God used me to take a precious soul from agnostic (Truth and Christ Doubter, who had actually just written a note on why they didn’t believe in religion at all) to Believer in 37 minutes. This was not an act and it was not planned. I used my own defense of the faith and linked to the mentioned videos and websites.

I want you to read this and see how simple and powerful the word of God is to a humble heart. I also want you to see how THIRSTY  humble young souls are for the TRUTH




y do u choose christianity


Because God’s Word is verifiably true, and Jesus died on the Cross for my sins. No other religion can give you forgiveness of sins thru the blood sacrifice of God.


isnt there fact in almost every religon?

if there wasent, nobody would believe it


there is a little bit of fact in every religion. But the Truth is in God. satan is a deciever. If he made the lies obvious, nobody would believe him. That’s why he puts a little bit of facts in all his false religions


so how would u know which one


Which one comes from the Creator, and is consistent with the heart of the Creator who made us in His image.

Christianity is the one because its center is Jesus Christ, who is God.


how would u know his true heart

how do u know that


The more you study His Word and History it becomes obvious.


how do u know the bible is “his word”

theres a million religious books

that have fact to back it up


if you study it, you will know that only one matches with history

watch that video, then tell me what you think


watdching now


that’s just a start. I could teach you for hours about the truth of Gods word… books, websites, videos, etc


please do,i want to know

im agmostic as of now


finish that one first


read this right quick okay?

got it


ok i’ll check it


take it off your profile cuz i dont want anyone ellse reading it

delete off your profile

r u on it? so i can untag u?


1 sec

ok i got it


if your on it now ill untag u



yep i’m on it


this video is hittin the spot

im glad u actually have a reason in y u choose your religion

your the first ive met

all the others just say because “this is how i was raised” which is a terrible answer


after you are done with that, check, and Send me a message in a few days

we also have a bible study NEXT Monday I want you to come to


hey this is good


yeah i realled liked that!


im suprised

first christian ive met with actual reasoning!


thanx alot

inbox me those websites


oK I will

I’m also going to use this as an example… but I will take your name off of it:-)