->God created the earth and the world and humans and all that is in the earth.
->He created you to be One with Him and have a RELATIONSHIP with Him.
->Everything was perfect, good, and beautiful.



->People (specifically Adam & Eve) sinned, rebelled against God, and brought corruption and sin, and satan (an angel that rebelled against God), into the world and into their minds. Confusion and Corruption covered the earth and all the people.

->Through one man sin entered the world.

->Death, fear, envy, lust, sickness, disease, poverty, crime, genetic mistakes, and natural disasters came after sin.



COVENANT: The Father Gave the Promises.

->God Promised that He would send a Savior to save people and take the punishment for their sins. God gave the promise of BLESSING AND SALVATION.

->This SAVIOR was spoken about from Abraham (before Islam), to Moses (the Jewish culture was designed to prepare for the Savior), all the Old Prophets (Isaiah, Danie

l, Ezekiel, etc). MANY prophets spoke about Jesus BEFORE He came.

->The Jewish Religion and the 10 COMMANDMENTS were part of that covenant to help lead people into the way of God.

->If you lie, hate people, murder, lust for sex or money or things that aren’t yours, steal, or don’t believe God, YOU ARE A SLAVE TO SIN. You are Judged as GUILTY by God’s Laws.

->You can’t keep the commandments God gave to Moses, YOU NEED A SAVIOR to save you and give you the power. The commandments are meant to show you that YOU NEED JESUS!

CHRIST: JESUS Delivers the Promises!

->JESUS is Judge who is Honest enough to tell you that YOU ARE GUILTY. But then HE TAKES THE PUNISHMENT FOR YOU if you ask Him to.
->Only God could destroy the power of sin by giving his life, only Man can take punishment for being wrong. Jesus is the GodMan.
->JESUS was the one that was promised, He fulfilled every prophecy. There is ONLY ONE NAME that man can be saved by! ONLY ONE GODMAN took the punishment for you.


crownofthornsCROSS: The Bloody Cross was the price for YOU!

->JESUS paid the price and took punishment for YOUR sins, with blood, by dying.

->Sin is Punishable by Death and Blood and Hell, so Jesus paid that price for you. Only God could do it because he was Uncorrupted and Valuable enough to pay for sins. (You can’t pay for anything with an insufficient funds check). Only Man could do it because man Sinned. Jesus is the One and Only GODMAN.


->JESUS then RESURRECTED because of God’s power.
->The same power that resurrected him from death WILL resurrect ALL people. SOME PEOPLE will resurrect and be cast into hell and damnation, SOME PEOPLE will have Eternal Life in Heaven.

->There were so many witnesses to His resurrection, that people talked about it for centuries, and still do.



CONSUMMATION: HE IS Coming BACK for His Friends!

->JESUS will come back in the end of this TIME PERIOD to judge the world, and start it out BRAND NEW with His CHURCH, the people that believed and obeyed Him.

->JESUS will destroy the earth, and every person that is not with him. Then He’ll make it new, and run it with his people. His Friends!!!!
->This Time Period is temporary, and its soon coming to an end. Your life is SO short. Get on God’s team NOW!

Do you believe and obey Jesus? Or are you still a slave to the sin and corruption and confusion?

YOU can be free from sin, fear, pride, envy, lust, poverty, sickness, and death!!!

YOU can have ETERNAL LIFE!!!

YOU can be FRIENDS with GOD through JESUS!!!

He paid the price for your sins, so Pray to Him and be Reconciled!!!


“Father, I thank you for Creating me in Your Image. I apologize for turning on you and following my sins. I turn my heart towards you now. I thank You for sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross and take the Punishment for My Sins. JESUS is now my Absolute Lord and King. Father, I will follow You! In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

If you want to help stop the spiritual haters of the Good News, make sure to read Killing Idols For REVIVAL.

12 Responses


  2. I am a Christian and this blog has realy opened my eyes as the saying goes you are what you listen I loved hip hop music very much but now I am thinking twice about it.thanks and god bless

  3. This was informative how can I help

    • Thanks! If you want to help, spread the word, share on facebook, get the book, donate, and subscribe! Above all, Watch, Pray, and Obey Jesus Christ!

  4. Thank u fr teaching me,

  5. I am a born again bt i didnt knw hw bad it is to listen to that kind of music bt now thnx God the almighty that i now knw abt ths so i say to u ride on and spread this to all nations bcz satan is a liar hes a decievr of man and Heaven is our home no mattr wht

  6. Love and light )0(

    • i grew up in church and have always known this. i just recently started my research on the illuminati. I am so greatful for you guys and this site! my husband is a youth pastor and this is a topic we talk about often! now that i have come acroos this site i will be sure to forward. thank you again

  7. Great articles! So encouraged by your blog! God bless you for speaking out truth that needs to be heard in love and grace

  8. I am a christian i thank god for being there for me,he died for my sins,god is great all the time

  9. Good morning,

    As I was studying my Bible this morning. I was researching certain words this morning from reading Genesis 1. In my search, I stumble on your Blog page. The Holy Spirit allowed me to read what you have written by God himself . The insight and revelation that God has given you before the foundation of the world for such a time are for the PEOPLE, NATIONS, and the KINGDOM OF GOD. Thank you for yielding to our LORD and SAVIOR! JESUS CHRIST!

    Bonita T

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