It’s not just how you Say things, its how you See things.

It’s not just how you Say things, its how you See things.

So I was out helping my sister Mahogany Jones out this morning… we were giving an answer to some Jehovah’s Witnesses. On the outside, they have everything so together. They say all the right things for a little while… they believe in Jehovah, His “Son”, and the Holy Spirit, they read the bible, their churches are unified and organized, their elders know each member of their flocks, they preach two-by-two like
Jesus said, their women dress modestly, their men teach, they follow all the little laws. They even told me their bible was the literal translation (but its not).

I kept trying to ask them what was the difference between you and Christianity, and it took about 45 minutes to get to anything
substantial. But when they showed me their booklet and it came to the identity of Jesus; that’s when the lies started manifesting. “Jesus is cool and all, yeah He’s the Savior, but He’s a created being, not infinite.” (Paraphrase)

We showed them scriptures in John 8 (Jesus said I AM), Hebrews 1 (Greater than the angels, Creator), Colossians 1 & 2 (Jesus the
firstborn i.e. brottotocos, initiator, Creator)… but they insisted on demoting Jesus Christ, saying that he was just like the angels, he’s not infinite, or the Creator. We could have gone to Revelations, Genesis, so many different places showing the true
authority of Jesus Christ scripturally and logically… but they were hardheaded, and I had to bounce.

It just got me thinking, how people can say everything right on the outside, but not see things right on the inside. I mean, how can you demote Jesus Christ? If He’s the Savior and the one who died and resurrected, and the way to God… How can you demote Him? People absolutely LOVE Jesus Christ because He’s the mediator between God and man… You demote Jesus, and then wonder why people call you a cult? It makes no sense.

If you see Him as He is, you will be changed. They don’t see Jesus Christ correctly, so they demote him, and they become a false religion. Someone else may not know all the traditions and be all “churchified,” but they fall in love with Jesus Christ, study Him daily, and they become spiritually alive, purified, holy, powerful, and productive. Why? Because the law came by Moses, but Grace and Truth came thru Jesus Christ.

It’s not just what you say on the outside, but what you see on the inside. Do you know Jesus as He is? Have you taken a break to think about Him and research scriptures about Him? Have you taken a break from being entertained from facebook, TV, your smartphone, and radio 24 hours a day to meditate for an hour and just think about who Jesus is? You can have everything right on the outside, and say all the right things, but if you don’t consistently see all of Jesus Christ in His true position and

authority, you will be OFF… you will die spiritually. HE is the way, the Truth, and the life.

Let’s take a break from our traditions, and focus on Jesus Christ.