Why are Rainbows shaped like Domes?

Natural Rainbows are always shaped like DOMES because – when light refracts thru WATER, and thru GLASS – the rainbow will always take the shape of the GLASS that is reflecting it!Never forget: Every Rainbow you ever see will take the shape of the glass it refracts through!Never forget: true Science will always coincide with Scripture!Job 37:18
[18]Hast thou with him spread out the SKY [FIRMAMENT], which is STRONG, and as a MOLTEN LOOKING GLASS?The Strong Glass Firmament that YAH closed up after the flood is still closed and sealed up!The waters that are above the Firmament (Genesis 1:7) won’t be used to flood the earth anymore.That’s why the rainbow is still the sign that he won’t Flood the earth with water anymore.BUT when He does bring judgement again, it won’t be with water, but with fire.#humilitymonth

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